Day of Peace Vigil 2017 “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety, and Dignity for All”

Day of Peace Vigil 2017 “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety, and Dignity for All”

This year´s Day of Peace Vigil is taking place in the Peace Garden at United Nations Headquarters on September 15, 2017. The actual celebration day is on September 21. The theme for this year is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety, and Dignity for All”.

It is based on a global campaign also called Together which promotes dignity, respect, and safety for all the people who is going through tough times in their home countries. Forcing them to move to another country, a situation that is not easy for nobody at all.

For this celebration are going to be present 193 countries which are members of the United Nations. In order to promote the non-discrimination and acceptance of migrants and refugees.
The United Nations Secretary, Mr. António Guterres talked about the current situation of xenophobia, discrimination, racism, and other issues around the world. He especially went through the actual situation of Muslim people.

Combating then, the anti-muslin discrimination, a situation that is happening nowadays and that is affecting many people.
The Peace Crane Project is also going to be present in this wonderful cause which according to their estimations and goals, they will collect over 1,000 cranes from students. The cranes are going to be displayed in several venues to celebrate this day.

Once gathered all representatives of every nation, the Japanese Peace Bell is going to be ringing as usual, as well as the minute of silence in consideration of all the people in the world who is suffering whatever their problems are.
Hopes for this year´s Day of Peace are that, with the help of everybody, it finally goes to an end the actual situation of discrimination with refugees as well as some way help these people.

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