September 21: International Day of Peace, why is it celebrated on this date?
MADRID, Sep 21 (Notimérica) –
September 21: International Day of Peace, why is it celebrated on this date?
“There is no way for peace, peace is the way, ” said Gandhi. Every year, on September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated in every country in the world. The General Assembly declared this day as a day dedicated to promoting the ideals of peace in all nations and peoples. Peace is defined as a state in which there is no type of violence and a healthy coexistence is created between people . This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981.
It was born with the objective of influencing all the nations of the world for the correct establishment of policies and guidelines that allow the eradication of violence in all its genres. The day was initially proposed to coincide with the opening session of the General Assembly, so it is currently held on September 21 of each year.
The International Crisis Group published the list of the 10 conflicts in the world that will continue in force this year and that are far from being resolved: Venezuela, Ukraine, Yemen and Syria, are the countries where the conflict will remain or worsen further. “Peace not only means the absence of war, but it implies having an environment free from all forms of violence. Talking about peace implies meeting again with that harmony lost within us”, publishes ‘The Broken Chair’.