10 Educational Resources for the International Day of Peace

10 Educational Resources for the International Day of Peace

“Alliances for peace, dignity for all” is the motto that marks this year the celebration of the International Day of Peace , which is celebrated every September 21. Established in 1981 by the United Nations, this date is synonymous with education and awareness regarding tolerance, non-violence and non-discrimination . But how can we commemorate this special day in the classroom?

Reflecting on and debating the current situation related to the concept of world peace will provide young and old students with a wonderful opportunity to deepen their understanding of the world around them , and the values ​​and ethics necessary to face it, thus forming critical and committed citizens.

There are many resources that we can use to delve into the subject: research great historical or contemporary figures such as Gandhi or Malala, make crafts, analyze the news from the media … We bring you a selection of 10 resources adapted to different ages so that you can accompany your students to do their bit on this special date. Shall we start? 

From 3 to 8 years old

  1. Alphabet soup: Dedicated to the little ones, this fun online alphabet soup will familiarize them with the vocabulary. Words like ‘dialogue’, ‘kindness’ or ‘forgive’ in a classic game that never fails. They will love it!
  2. A very special chocolate: Children’s story in audiovisual format that will help them understand the concepts of integration, respect, friendship and tolerance. Produced by the World Association of Early Childhood Educators and created by the author Eva María Riber.
  3. Treasure Island : This great interactive game set in the pirate world and created by the Education Portal of the Junta de Castilla y León, will enhance its values ​​and make decisions about the idea of ​​coexistence among equals. Play with them and encourage reflection on their choices, they will have a great time!
  4. Peace Builders: An interactive UNICEF game that will help train students as peace builders. A simple activity by connecting dots to create great drawings on the theme. Great to have a good time with family or friends!

From 9 to 12 years

  1. How is World Peace Day celebrated? : A brief video recommended for the last years of Primary Education. Why do we celebrate it? What is the symbol of the dove and what is its meaning? These and other questions are answered in just a few minutes thanks to fun illustrations.
  2. Peace and Nonviolence Workshop : This workshop of the international NGO Intervida, dedicated to development cooperation, is a very rich, complete and interesting resource that seeks to raise awareness about the fight against poverty inside and outside the classroom. General concepts, exercises, games and stories. Forbidden to miss it!
  3. Peace and actuality: Resource especially recommended for boys and girls of 10 years, prepared by the Escola de Pau of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The activity answers the question “How do you talk about peace?”, An exercise that collects articles and photographs of peace and violence in the media.

From 12 to 16 years old

  1. Singing with Imagine : You sure have ever sung this famous John Lennon song! UNICEF created a worldwide version with the help of many well-known voices, united under this inspirational letter. Why not make your own version in class?
  2. Tutorials and exercises : Complete document created by Orientación Andújar . Exercises, recommended movies, games and even songs related to peace … impossible not to get inspired and put into practice some of his great ideas!
  3. Nobel Peace Prize: Interesting resource created by the United Nations that allows you to discover this famous award and its winners. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela or Malala Yousafzai have been some of the winners throughout their history.

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