ow it has been since 2001, September 21 is the International Day of Peace . The date was promoted by the United Nations (UN) with the aim of achieving “the strengthening of the ideals of peace, both among all nations and all peoples and among the members of each of them.”
Strictly speaking, the day began in 1981, after resolution 36/67 of the United Nations General Assembly that declared the third Tuesday of September as the International Day of Peace. Then in 2001 it was changed to the current date.
It is a day on which the UN calls on all countries to cease hostilities and celebrate the date with educational and public information campaigns on peace.
Each year, the campaign focuses on a different problem. In 2019, the motto is “Climate action for peace”. “Peace can only be achieved if concrete measures are taken to combat climate change,” they argue from the UN .
Likewise, the organization calls on all countries to take measures to tackle climate change. “All human beings are part of the solution: from turning off the lights to using public transport, to organizing an awareness campaign in their community,” they point out from their website.
In the same vein, last May, UN Secretary General António Guterres said: “It is possible to achieve our objectives, but we need decisions, political will and transformative policies that allow us to continue living in peace with our own climate.”